Access comprehensive trade data for Athlete Performance Solutions Ll with ease. Explore trade shipments, top suppliers & buyers, and values without the hassle.
Eximpedia analyzes Athlete Performance Solutions Ll export and import records, including data from 0 buyers and 5 suppliers. We provide an intelligence report of Athlete Performance Solutions Ll that covers trade statistics, shipment values, quantities, exporters & importers and trade destinations
Athlete Performance Solutions Ll import markets
Explore the Athlete Performance Solutions Ll import market with monthly import values, major importers, HS Codes, key ports, top suppliers, and competitors
USA | 0.00 | 8 | 100 |
2704, LOS ANGELES, CA | 0.00 | 7 | 87.5 |
2709, LONG BEACH, CA | 0.00 | 1 | 12.5 |
VICTOR JOSEPH | 0.00 | 2 |
ANN ONNEN | 0.00 | 1 |
ANEVAY COWDREY | 0.00 | 1 |
JINGYUAN | 0.00 | 582510 |
JINGYUAN | 0.00 | 582510 |
TWTH EXPRESS CO LIMITED | 0.00 | 193306 |
If you are looking to establish relationship with Athlete Performance Solutions Ll Automation you can save time by getting access to the key decision makers and get a detailed report.
Discover the Athlete Performance Solutions Ll with product description, import values, quantities, exporter name, country of origin and key destinations.
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. |
640411 | TOTAL: 1,146 CTNS/ 6,876 PAIRS OF FOOTWEAR PO/ITEM: SP24-NK 3339-40; SP24-NK3329-10; SP24- NK3295-20; SP24-NK3348-50 MOD EL NAME: NIKE ZOOM HYPERSPEED COURT STYLE: CI2964-410; CI29 64-010; CI2964-100; CI2964-610 INVOICE NO : FDOX1AYY2312004 2 LOCAL INVOIC | VN, VIET NAM | USA | 1146 | ||
640299 | SPORT SHOES INVOICE: FDVX1AYY 23100009 FCI#: DVX1AYY2310000 9 MODEL NAME: NIKE SAVALEOS STYLE: CV5708-101 TOTAL: 1800 PRS 300 CTNS CARGO RECEIPT D ATE: 16 OCT 2023 HS CODE: 640 29990 | VN, VIET NAM | USA | 300 | ||
640411 | SPORT SHOES INVOICE: FDVX1AYY 23100008 FCI#: DVX1AYY2310000 8 MODEL NAME: NIKE REACT HYPE RSET; NIKE REACT HYPERSET SE; NIKE SAVALEOS; NIKE TAWA STYL E:CI2955-010; CI2955-140; CI29 55-160; DJ4473-101; DJ4473-102 ; CV5708-101; CI2952-171 TOTA L: 5058 PRS 8 | VN, VIET NAM | USA | 843 | ||
640411 | TOTAL: 817 CTNS/ 4,902 PAIRS OF FOOTWEAR PO/ITEM: HO23-NK8 009-20 ; HO23-NK7093-90 ; HO23 -NK8952-10 ; HO23-NK7412-100 MODEL NAME: NIKE ZOOM HYPERSPE ED COURT STYLE: CI2964-100; C I2964-410; CI2964-010 ; CI2964 -610 INVOICE NO : FDOX1AYY230 90035 LOCAL IN | VN, VIET NAM | USA | 817 | ||
640411 | SPORT SHOES INVOICE: FDVX1AYY 23090011 FCI#: DVX1AYY2309001 1 MODEL NAME: NIKE FURY STYL E: AO2416-010; AO2416-601 TOT AL: 5682 PRS 947 CTNS CARGO R ECEIPT DATE: 03 OCT 2023 HS C ODE: 64041190 | VN, VIET NAM | USA | 947 | ||
640411 | SPORT SHOES INVOICE: FDVX1AYY 23090012 FCI#: DVX1AYY2309001 2 MODEL NAME: NIKE FURY; NIKE ROMALEOS 4 STYLE: AO2416-102 ; CD3463-002 TOTAL: 5508 PRS 918 CTNS CARGO RECEIPT DATE: 03 OCT 2023 HS CODE: 64041190 | VN, VIET NAM | USA | 918 | ||
640411 | SPORT SHOES INVOICE: FDVX1AYY 23090010 FCI#: DVX1AYY2309001 0 MODEL NAME: NIKE FURY STYL E: AO2416-401; AO2416-601 CAR GO RECEIPT DATE: 03 OCT 2023 TOTAL: 4674 PRS 779 CTNS HS C ODE: 64041190 | VN, VIET NAM | USA | 779 | ||
640411 | SPORT SHOES INVOICE: FDVX1AYY 23120014 FCI#: DVX1AYY2312001 4 MODEL NAME: NIKE SAVALEOS; NIKE TAWA; NIKE TAWA SE STYLE : CV5708-101; CI2952-001; CI29 52-004; CI2952-100; CI2952-171 ; DJ4474-121 TOTAL: 5712 PRS 952 CTNS CARGO RECEIPT DATE: 18 DEC 2023 HS C | VN, VIET NAM | USA | 952 |
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