

Access comprehensive trade data for Lt Foods Americas Formerly Known As Kusha Inc with ease. Explore trade shipments, top suppliers & buyers, and values without the hassle.

Lt Foods Americas Formerly Known As Kusha Inc – Overview

Eximpedia analyzes Lt Foods Americas Formerly Known As Kusha Inc export and import records, including data from 0 buyers and 14 suppliers. We provide an intelligence report of Lt Foods Americas Formerly Known As Kusha Inc that covers trade statistics, shipment values, quantities, exporters & importers and trade destinations

Lt Foods Americas Formerly Known As Kusha Inc Buyers, Suppliers & Shipments

Lt Foods Americas Formerly Known As Kusha Inc import markets

Explore the Lt Foods Americas Formerly Known As Kusha Inc import market with monthly import values, major importers, HS Codes, key ports, top suppliers, and competitors


100630 0.00 765 93.63525091799265
Rice put up in unit container and bearing a registered brand name[Rate Ref by SNo 51 in Sch I of Ntfn 01/2017 IGST]
713310 0.00 1 0.12239902080783352
713900 0.00 1 0.12239902080783352
100620 0.00 29 3.549571603427173
Rice put up in unit container and bearing a registered brand name[Rate Ref by SNo 51 in Sch I of Ntfn 01/2017 IGST]
100640 0.00 1 0.12239902080783352
Rice put up in unit container and bearing a registered brand name[Rate Ref by SNo 51 in Sch I of Ntfn 01/2017 IGST]


USA 0.00 817 100


4601, NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA, NEWARK, NJ 0.00 251 30.722154222766218
2704, LOS ANGELES, CA 0.00 190 23.25581395348837
5301, HOUSTON, TX 0.00 190 23.25581395348837
1703, SAVANNAH, GA 0.00 118 14.443084455324357
2709, LONG BEACH, CA 0.00 53 6.487148102815178

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Lt Foods Americas Formerly Known As Kusha Inc Import Shipments

Discover the Lt Foods Americas Formerly Known As Kusha Inc with product description, import values, quantities, exporter name, country of origin and key destinations.

HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty.
100630 62.652 MT RICE BASMATI WHITE P ARBOILED PACKED IN 1X2300 LBS WPP BAG NO OF BAGS:60 TOTAL NO OF BAGS:60 INV NO : 9101 017965 DT. 15.07.2023 PO NO : 8800017345 DT. 21.06.2023 SB NO : 2630485 DT 21/07/2023 IEC NO :0592005801 HS CODE : 10063020 USFDA # 132102 lock lock CN, CHINA USA 60
100630 10X20 CONTAINER CONTAINING I NV. NO. 9133005230 DT- 31.07.2 023 211.110 (MT) ROYAL ORGANI C SONA MASOORI NON-BASMATI WHI TE RICE 1X20 LBS NWB BAG LOT NO. 23331013 PO NO. 88000175 25 DTD. 21.07.2023 IEC 050603 9889 SB NO : 3000535 SB DATE :05/08/2023 HS CO lock lock IN, INDIA USA 23250
100630 102.990 (MT) ROYAL BASMATI RIC E PACKED IN 10 LBS PP ZIPPER P ACK TOTAL NO OF PACK : 22685 HS CODE : 10063020 INV NO : 9101017864 DTD 29.06.2023 PO NO : 8800017347 DTD 21.06.2023 IEC NO : 0592005801 USFDA N O 13210289500 SB NO : 2638346 DTD 22.07.2023 PSC lock lock CN, CHINA USA 22685
100630 42.040 (MT) ROYAL BASMATI RICE PACKED IN 1X10 LBS POLY POUC H WITH ZIPPER TOTAL NO OF PAC K : 9260 HS CODE : 10063020 INV NO : 9126004891 DTD 31.07 .2023 PO NO : 8800017514 DTD 19.07.2023 IEC NO : 0507021 355 US FDA NO. : 10371292538 SB NO : 3188644 DTD 1 lock lock IN, INDIA USA 9260
100630 ROYAL CHEFS SECRET BASMATI RIC E 102.875 MT PACKED IN 5670 BAGS OF 1X40 LBS HDPE BAG TO TAL NO. OF HDPE BAGS: 5670 INVOICE NO. 9103001610 DT: 11. 07.2023 SHIPPING BILL NO.2523 485 DT:18-07-23 ORDER NO: 880 0017349 DT 21.06.2023 IEC N O. 0592005801 H.S. CO lock lock CN, CHINA USA 5670
100630 105.555 MT ROYAL BASMATI RICE PACKED IN 1 X 20 LBS JUTE BAG S TOTAL NO OF BAGS : 11625 H S CODE : 10063020 INV NO : 9 137000480 DTD 06.12.2023 PO NO : 8800018590 DTD 22.11.20 23 IEC NO : 1297000293 US F DA NO. : 18721039554 SB NO : 6047531 DTD 14.12.2023 lock lock IN, INDIA USA 11625
100630 ROYAL CHEFS SECRET BASMATI RI CE 105.052 MT PACKED IN 5790 BAGS OF 1X40 LBS HDPE BAG TO TAL NO. OF HDPE BAGS: 5790 I NVOICE NO. 9103001752 DT: 08. 12.2023 SHIPPING BILL NO.6080 271 DT:16.12.2023 ORDER NO: 8800018422 DT 25.10.2023 IE C NO. 0592005801 H.S lock lock RO, ROMANIA USA 5790
100630 105.555 MT ROYAL BASMATI RICE PACKED IN 1 X 20 LBS JUTE BAG S TOTAL NO OF BAGS : 11625 H S CODE : 10063020 INV NO : 9 137000481 DTD 06.12.2023 PO NO : 8800018595 DTD 22.11.20 23 IEC NO : 1297000293 US F DA NO. : 18721039554 SB NO : 6061666 DTD 15.12.2023 lock lock IN, INDIA USA 11625
100630 105.555 MT WALMART GREAT VALUE BASMATI RICE PACKED IN 20 L BS POLY POUCH TOTAL NO OF PAC KS : 11625 HS CODE : 10063020 INV NO : 9101019058 DTD 3 0.11.2023 PO NO : 8800018567 DTD 16.11.2023 IEC NO : 059 2005801 US FDA NO. : 1321028 9500 SB NO : 6101784 DTD lock lock IN, INDIA USA 11625
100630 ROYAL CHEFS SECRET BASMATI RIC E 41.187 MT PACKED IN 4536 BAGS OF 1X20 LBS HDPE BAG TOT AL NO. OF HDPE BAGS: 4536 I NVOICE NO. 9103001620 DT: 26.0 7.2023 SHIPPING BILL NO.28398 70 DT:31-07-23 ORDER NO: 8800 017496 DT 11.07.2023 IEC NO . 0592005801 H.S. CO lock lock USA 4536

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Lt Foods Americas Formerly Known As Kusha Inc frequently asked questions

You can explore detailed shipment records of Lt Foods Americas Formerly Known As Kusha Inc through Eximpedia’s real-time trade insights platform, which provides access to shipment dates, quantities, ports, and product details.

Yes, Eximpedia offers a directory of buyers with similar trade patterns to Lt Foods Americas Formerly Known As Kusha Inc. Use advanced filters to identify competitors or partners in the same industry.

With our data-driven platform, you can access a curated list of suppliers with comparable product categories and shipment volumes to Lt Foods Americas Formerly Known As Kusha Inc, helping you expand your sourcing network.

Eximpedia’s trade data highlights Lt Foods Americas Formerly Known As Kusha Inc’s major exports, along with their trade destinations and origins.

We provide detailed analytics, including trade volumes, market trends, port usage, and competitor insights, to help businesses understand Lt Foods Americas Formerly Known As Kusha Inc’s trade activities.

Traders can collaborate with Lt Foods Americas Formerly Known As Kusha Inc by contacting them through their official channels or visiting their headquarters for detailed trade discussions.

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