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Global Supplier of Blood glucose test strip

Blood glucose test strip product global trade data has found a total of 13 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

3 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Blood glucose test strip product.

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382200 38 PALLETS AND CARTON BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST STRIP FOR GLUCOSE MONITORING LOT NOS 5635747, 5637325 5636791, 5636792, 5636793 5639220, 5639221, 5639235 5639236, 5639524, 5639525 5639526, 5639802, 5639803 5640295, 5640296, 5640297 HS-CODE 38220000 lock lock BE, BELGIUM USA 38 60 More Columns Available
382200 40 PALLETS AND 1 CARTON BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST STRIP FOR GLUCOSE MONITORING LOT NOS 5639181, 5639182, 5639199 5639200, 5639201, 5639211 5639212, 5639213, 5639218 5639219, 5639222, 5639223 5639231, 5639232, 5639233 5639234, 5637322 , 5637324 HS-CODE 38220000 lock lock BE, BELGIUM USA 41
382200 39 PALLETS AND CARTON BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST STRIP FOR GLUCOSE MONITORING LOT NOS 5636795, 5636796, 5636797 5637330, 5637331, 5637614 5637615, 5637617, 5638079 5638087, 5638088, 5638089 5638093, 5638094, 5638095 5638096, 5638097, 5638807 HS-CODE 38220000 lock lock BE, BELGIUM USA 39
382200 40 PALLETS AND 1 CARTON BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST STRIP FOR GLUCOSE MONITORING LOT NOS 5636794 , 5635748, 5636800 5637326, 5637327, 5637403 5637406, 5637990, 5637993 5638006, 5638007, 5638008 5638084, 5638085, 5638086 5638091, 5638092 HS-CODE 38220000 lock lock BE, BELGIUM USA 41
382200 39 PALLETS AND CARTON BLOOD GLUCOSE TEST STRIP FOR GLUCOSE MONITORING LOT NOS 5637323, 5638080, 5639190 5639191, 5639192, 5639193 5639194, 5639195, 5639196 5639197, 5639198, 5639520 5639521, 5639522, 5639523 HS-CODE 38220000 lock lock BE, BELGIUM USA 39

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