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Global Buyer of Gray fabric

Gray fabric product global trade data has found a total of 2548 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 9 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

100 exporter and 177 Importer shipments are available in the application of Gray fabric product.

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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58041099 VCL#&ELILON MESH FABRIC 44 SIZE GRAY NSX: YOU YOUNG VINA CO., LTD, 100% NEW lock lock VIETNAM Vietnam 36 60 More Columns Available
58041099 P24192Q000BF7890.5K#&GRID FABRIC 44""/038A BRIGHT BLUE/AA2T GRAY THREE F17DJT 7299 DR EM 43 SHELL P-CDP EPM5 (NO.10K-10.5K)REC.PES 57%, REC CDP 43% 10K-10.5K lock lock KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Vietnam 4
58041099 P24192Q000BF7893.5K#&GRID FABRIC 44""/038A BRIGHT BLUE/AA2T GRAY THREE F17DJT 7299 DR EM 43 SHELL P-CDP EPM5 (NO.12.5K-13.5K)REC.PES 57%, REC CDP 43% 12.5K- 13.5K lock lock KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Vietnam 10
58041099 P24192Q000BF7893.5K#&GRID FABRIC 44""/038A BRIGHT BLUE/AA2T GRAY THREE F17DJT 7299 DR EM 43 SHELL P-CDP EPM5 (NO.12.5K-13.5K)REC.PES 57%, REC CDP 43% 12.5K- 13.5K lock lock KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Vietnam 10
54075200 509.63812#&DYEED POLYESTER FILAMENT YARN WOVEN FABRIC 86% RECYCLE POLYESTER,14% SPANDEX 55""STRETCH 90D/148F,40D/4F,114*100,124GM2 MEDIUM GRAY FOR DM (DH_14,TK _104492486450) lock lock TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA Vietnam 0.6

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