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Oil under 32151990 global Supplier Data

Oil product global trade data has found a total of 49 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

2 exporter and 7 Importer shipments are available in the application of Oil product.

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32151990 CB-.409 LABEL INK (30-35% MALEIC RESIN, 29-34% PIGMENT GREEN 7, 8-12% TALL OIL FATTY ACID, 5-15% SOY ESTER, 5-10% ALKYD RESIN, 4-10% VEGETABLE OIL, GREEN) (CAS NO: 94581-16-5) lock lock CHINA Vietnam 18.14 60 More Columns Available
32151990 INK. FOR LABEL PRINTING CB-208 (20-30% MALEIC RESIN, 22-26% PIGMENT ORANGE 34, 5-15% SOY ESTER, 5-15% INK OIL, 5-10% TALL OIL FATTY ACID, 4-10% VEGETABLE OIL, 2-8% ALKYD RESIN,...ORANGE) (CAS NO: 94581-16-5) lock lock CHINA Vietnam 18.14
32151990 CB-.588 LABEL INK (26-30%PIGMENT BLUE 15:3, 25-30%MALEIC RESIN, 10-15%SOY ESTER, 5-10%ALKYD RESIN, 5-10%TALL OIL FATTY ACID, 4- 10%VEGETABLE OIL, 3-8%INK OIL,..BLUE) (CAS NO: 147-14-8) lock lock CHINA Vietnam 108.84
32151990 CB-.539 LABEL INK (30-40% MALEIC RESIN, 20-24% PIGMENT BLUE 15:3, 10-20% SOY ESTER, 5-10% ALKYD RESIN, 5-10% TALL OIL FATTY ACID, 4- 10%VEGETABLE OIL, 3-8%INK OIL,..BLUE) (CAS NO: 94581-16-5) lock lock CHINA Vietnam 72.56
32151990 MCC.3-0216 LABEL PRINTING INK (30-38%ROSIN RESIN, 14-18%PIGMENT 57:1.5-10% ALKYD RESIN,4-10%VEGETABLE OIL, 5-15%SOY ESTER,..., COLOR RED) (CAS NO: 68152-62-5) lock lock CHINA Vietnam 14.7

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