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Np under 610343 global trade Data

Np product global trade data has found a total of 3 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Np product.

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3 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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610343 4 CTN = 129 PCS OF MENS SYNT HETIC FIBERS, KNIT SHORT, REAC HES ABOVE THE KNEE 80% POLYE STER 20% SPANDEX HS.NO.: 61 03431550 PO. NO.: K7TM06A STYLE NO.: 546576 CATEGORY : KPBC CODE: 060100 PE : 1 95140 PEB : 195010 DATE : 01-12-2022 AJU : 002200 NP WP lock lock ID, INDONESIA USA 4 60 More Columns Available
610343 5 CARTONS = 289 PCS OF MENS SYNTHETIC KNIT PANTS, REA CH ES BELOW THE KNEE 88% POLYES TER 12% SPANDEX HS.NO.: 61 03431520 PO. NO.: K4PG6JA STYLE NO.: 610796 CATEGORY : KPBC CODE: 060100 PE : 1 95133 PEB : 195003 DATE : 01-12-2022 AJU : 002198 NP WP : 02.1 lock lock ID, INDONESIA USA 5
610343 8 CARTONS = 283 PCS OF MENS SYNTHETIC FIBERS, KNIT SH OR T, REACHES ABOVE THE KNEE 80 % POLYESTER 20% SPANDEX HS. NO.: 6103431550 PO. NO.: K7 WF4JA STYLE NO.: 825247 CA TEGORY : KPBC CODE: 060100 PE : 195143 PEB : 195013 DATE : 01-12-2022 AJU : 002 199 NP lock lock ID, INDONESIA USA 8

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