Discover HS Code 181991 and identify key markets, dependable suppliers, and active buyers using Eximpedia’s advanced data analysis. Gain access to global trade data from over 130+ countries with a single subscription, without the hustle and bustle.
Eximpedia analyzes HS Code 181991 export and import records, including data from 0 buyers and 3 suppliers. We provide an intelligence report of HS Codes 181991 that covers product descriptions, customs tariffs, trade statistics and several subsections that enable shippers to provide detailed product information based solely on numerical data.
HS code 181991 import markets
Gain insights into HS Code 181991 with data on monthly import values, major importing countries, key ports, leading competitors, and active suppliers.
181991 | 0.00 | 10 | 100.00 |
USA | 0.00 | 10 | 100.00 |
1703, SAVANNAH, GA | 0.00 | 7 | 70.00 |
4601, NEW YORK/NEWARK AREA, NEWARK, NJ | 0.00 | 2 | 20.00 |
2704, LOS ANGELES, CA | 0.00 | 1 | 10.00 |
O M HALYARD INC | 0.00 | 2220 |
Discover the Hidden Opportunities in HS Code 181991—access key decision-makers and detailed reports to save time and succeed.
Explore HSN Code 181991 with product description, import values, quantities, exporter name, country of origin and key destinations.
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. |
181991 | FWDR REF: 51C0072149 CNEE REF: 18199146 CNEE REF: 18199157 CNEE REF: 18199148 CNEE REF: 18199154 CNEE REF: 18199144 CNEE REF: 18199161 CNEE REF: 18199160 CNEE REF: 18199162 READYMADE GARMENTS P.O. NO ITEM NO. HS CODE 18199144 101033401 6210.10.5090 181991 | BD, BANGLADESH | USA | 2123 | ||
181991 | FWDR REF: 51C0072150 CNEE REF: 18199147 CNEE REF: 18199163 CNEE REF: 18199157 CNEE REF: 18199146 CNEE REF: 18199154 CNEE REF: 18199165 CNEE REF: 231-45393900915 READYMADE GARMENTS P.O. NO ITEM NO HS CODE 18199146 101033601 6210.10.5090 18199147 101033701 | BD, BANGLADESH | USA | 2082 | ||
181991 | FWDR REF: 51C0072146 CNEE REF: 18199154 CNEE REF: 18199145 CNEE REF: 18199157 READYMADE GARMENTS P.O. NO ITEM NO. HS CODE 18199145 101033501 6210.10.5090 18199154 108564101 6505.00.8015 18199157 106980181 INV NO.JMPL-E23-320 DT:O5 NOV,23 EXP NO.55003028-0 | BD, BANGLADESH | USA | 2200 | ||
181991 | FWDR REF: 51C0073498 CNEE REF: 18199157 CNEE REF: 18201738 CNEE REF: 18201739 CNEE REF: 18201740 CNEE REF: 18201731 CNEE REF: 18201743 READYMADE GARMENTS P.O. NO ITEM NO. HS CODE 18199157 106980181 6210.10.5090 18201731 106980181 6505.00.8015 18201738 101 | BD, BANGLADESH | USA | 2120 | ||
181991 | FWDR REF: 51C0072145 CNEE REF: 18199197 CNEE REF: 18199196 CNEE REF: 18199195 CNEE REF: 18199194 CNEE REF: 18199193 P.O. NO ITEM NO. HS CODE 18199193 106980181 6505.00.8015 18199194 101007882 6210.10.5090 18199195 101008782 18199196 101012167 18199197 101 | BD, BANGLADESH | USA | 2145 | ||
181991 | FWDR REF: 51C0072143 CNEE REF: 18199177 CNEE REF: 18199176 CNEE REF: 18199168 CNEE REF: 18199167 CNEE REF: 18199171 CNEE REF: 18199170 CNEE REF: 18199184 CNEE REF: 18199183 CNEE REF: 18199185 CNEE REF: 18196193 CNEE REF: 18196194 CNEE REF: 18193938 READYM | BD, BANGLADESH | USA | 2058 | ||
181991 | FWDR REF: 51C0072144 CNEE REF: 18199184 CNEE REF: 18199174 CNEE REF: 18199175 CNEE REF: 18199176 CNEE REF: 18199177 CNEE REF: 18199167 CNEE REF: 18199168 CNEE REF: 18199169 CNEE REF: 18199171 CNEE REF: 18199183 CNEE REF: 18199172 CNEE REF: 18199173 READYM | BD, BANGLADESH | USA | 1966 |
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