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Global Trade Data of Hot washed pet flake

Hot washed pet flake product global trade data has found a total of 5 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Hot washed pet flake product.

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Import Trade data of Hot washed pet flake

5 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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000000 391590 391590 391590 RECYCLED PET FLAKE HOT WASHED EGSU9109391 NET WEIGHT 22,089 KGS BMOU5765268 NET WEIGHT 22,094 KGS EITU1403534 NET WEIGHT 22,087 KGS lock lock HN, HONDURAS USA 120 60 More Columns Available
000000 391590 391590 RECYCLED PET FLAKE HOT WASHED EGHU934548-0 NET WEIGHT 22,090 KGS EITU120420-8 NET WEIGHT 22,096 KGS lock lock HN, HONDURAS USA 79
000000 391590 391590 391590 391590 RECYCLED PET FLAKE HOT WASHED EITU181984-0 NET WEIGHT 22,087 KGS EITU128366-0 NET WEIGHT 22,090 KGS EISU936152-9 NET WEIGHT 22,081 KGS TEMU628112-7 NET WEIGHT 22,084 KGS lock lock HN, HONDURAS USA 160
000000 391590 391590 RECYCLED PET FLAKE HOT WASHED EITU108287-7 NET WEIGHT 22,094 KGS EGHU916098-0 NET WEIGHT 22,100 KGS EITU116841-4 NET WEIGHT 22,085 KGS EITU133688-4 NET WEIGHT 22,064 KGS HMCU916701-0 NET WEIGHT 22,087 KGS 391590 391590 391590 lock lock HN, HONDURAS USA 198
000000 391590 391590 391590 RECYCLED PET FLAKE HOT WASHED EITU1911330 NET WEIGHT 22,238 KGS EITU1370955 NET WEIGHT 22,231 KGS TGBU6891238 NET WEIGHT 22,236 KGS EITU1337216 NET WEIGHT 22,243 KGS 391590 lock lock HN, HONDURAS USA 157

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