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Pine apple juice under 200820 global trade Data

Pine apple juice product global trade data has found a total of 5 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 2 Importer shipments are available in the application of Pine apple juice product.

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Import Trade data of Pine apple juice

5 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries

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200820 2 FCL,EACH 2,520 TRAYS OF CANNED 12/20 OZ FANCY PINE APPLE CHUNK IN JUICE EO DO LE BRAND ITEM CODE : 38900 01473 PRODUCT OF ID ORDER NO: 2000012710 GROSS : 40, 523.00 KG NET : 34, 292.00 KG HS 2008.20 PREPAID =) TIN : +011036266092000 TEL P: +62-21-509918 lock lock KR, REPUBLIC OF KOREA USA 5040 60 More Columns Available
200820 2 FCL,EACH 2,520 TRAYS OF CANNED 12/20 OZ FANCY PINE APPLE SLICES IN JUICE EO D OLE BRAND ITEM CODE : 3890 001143 PRODUCT OF ID ORDER NO: 2000015315 GROSS : 40 ,523.00 KG NET : 34,292.00 KG HS 2008.20 PREPAID =) TIN : +011036266092000 TEL P: +62-21-509918 lock lock KR, REPUBLIC OF KOREA USA 5040
200820 3 FCL,EACH 2,520 TRAYS OF CANNED 12/20 OZ FANCY PINE APPLE SLICES IN JUICE EO D OLE BRAND ITEM CODE : 3890 001143 PRODUCT OF ID ORDER NO: 2000015280 GROSS : 60 ,784.00 KG NET : 51,438.00 KG HS 2008.20 PREPAID =) TIN : +011036266092000 TEL P: +62-21-509918 lock lock KR, REPUBLIC OF KOREA USA 7560
200820 2 FCL,EACH 2,520 TRAYS OF CANNED 12/20 OZ FANCY PINE APPLE SLICES IN JUICE EO D OLE BRAND ITEM CODE : 3890 001143 PRODUCT OF ID ORDER NO: 2000016363 GROSS : 40 ,523.00 KG NET : 34,292.00 KG HS 2008.20 PREPAID =) TIN : +011036266092000 TEL P: +62-21-509918 lock lock KR, REPUBLIC OF KOREA USA 5040
200820 KROGER BRAND CANNED PINE APPLE CHOICE TIDBI TS IN NA TURAL JUICE PO#H2699085, H 2699086, H2699087, H269908 8 PA#41306, SID#2013-04-05 /013 9,464 CARTONS G.W. 75 ,712.00 KGS KROGE R BRAND CANNED PINEAPPLE CRUSHED IN NATURAL JUICE PO#H26991 27, PA#41306 SID lock lock TH, THAILAND USA 11830

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