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Pet under 292143 global trade Data

Pet product global trade data has found a total of 5 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 3 Importer shipments are available in the application of Pet product.

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Import Trade data of Pet

5 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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292143 PET BCF YARN 1000D/128F(ONF324) 138.0 KGS P ET BCF YARN 1000D/128F(SC89) 810.0 KGS PET BCF YARN 1000D/128F(ONF325) 2,680.0 KGS PET BCF YARN 1000D/128F(ONR108) 2,850.0 KGS PE T BCF YARN 1000D/128F(ONR109) 2,850.0 KGS P ET BCF YARN 1000D/128F(ONF326) 320.0 lock lock KR, REPUBLIC OF KOREA USA 32 60 More Columns Available
292143 PET GATE DITTO PET GATE PO 0100639848 0600639848 0700639848 PET GATE DITTO PET GATE PO 0100639848 0600639848 0700639848 PET GATE DITTO PET GATE PO 0100639848 0600639848 0700639848 PET GATE DITTO PET GATE PO 0100639848 0600639848 0700639848 0800639848 PCS lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 408
292143 PET BCF YARN 1000D/128F(SC87) 2,090.0 KGS P PET BCF YARN 1000D/128F(SC87) 2,090.0 KGS P lock lock KR, REPUBLIC OF KOREA USA 88
292143 PET FEEDER TRAY AND CATCH SCR ATCH PO# 1000259856 2000259 856 3000259856 4000259856 5000259856 6000259856 700025 9856 PCS CTNS CBM KGS 384 96 9.28 849.6 6 80 168 16.51 1504 216 56 5.13 478.4 680 16 8 16.51 1504 220 52 5.43 486 280 72 6.68 620 730 186 17.4 lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 798
292143 PET FEEDER TRAY PO# 01005627 51 0600562751 0700562751 0 800562751 PCS CTNS CBM KGS 432 108 3.53 648 238 119 5.51 702.1 80 0 252 9.66 1501.6 322 161 7.45 949.9 TOTAL: 1792 640 26.15 3801.6 DITTO DITTO DITTO (-)DI STRICT, BINH DUONG PROVINCE, VIETNAM lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 640

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