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Ivd under 38140000 global trade Data

Ivd product global trade data has found a total of 10 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 2 Importer shipments are available in the application of Ivd product.

Import Trade data of Ivd

10 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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38140000 DIL.UENT IVD FOR HEMATOLOGY ANALYZER ISOTONAC 3/ MEK-640, 18L/ CAN/ BOX, LOT: 22178, 22191, 22186, 22107, 22108, 22188, 22187, HSD: T03.2024, T11.2023, HSX : NIHON KOHDEN CORPORATION, 100% NEW lock lock JAPAN Vietnam 1440 60 More Columns Available
38140000 DIL.UTION IVD ATELLICA IM MULTI-DILUENT 11, CODE: 10995642, LOT: 39448, 2 X 5.0 ML, HSD: 05.09.2023, NSX: SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS INC., 100% NEW lock lock UNITED STATES Vietnam 1
38140000 ATE.LLICA IM MULTI-DILUENT 2 DILUTION IVD, CODE: 10995644, LOT: 39752, 2 X 10 ML, HSD: 13.12.2023, NSX: SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS INC., 100% NEW lock lock UNITED STATES Vietnam 1
38140000 DIL.UENT IVD ATELLICA CH DILUENT , CODE: 11099300, LOT: 0000167200, 2 X 1.5L, HSD: SEPTEMBER 19, 2023, NSX: SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS INC., 100% NEW lock lock UNITED STATES Vietnam 21
38140000 DIL.UTED IVD ATELLICA IM EE2 DIL, CODE: 10995563, LOT: 37838, 2 X 5 ML, HSD: 10.08.2024, NSX: SIEMENS HEALTHCARE DIAGNOSTICS INC, 100% NEW lock lock UNITED STATES Vietnam 1

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