4816 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 188 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 10 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
49 exporter and 8 Importer shipments are available in the application of 4816 Hs Code.
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HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
48162001 | PAPEL AUTOCOPIA | INDONESIA | Mexico | 28692.48 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
4816200090 | AUTOCOPY PAPER | INDONESIA | Turkey | 212314 | |||
48162090000 | NCR PAPER CARBONLESS CTD FRONT&BACK PD GREEN 121 (BLUE IMG, RESIN) 50GSM W 432MM L 6000M C 3IN 4ROL/PAL MULTI COPY MII A QLY 2PALLETS 1.036800MT INV NO. 1810195504 DTD 12/26/2022 | INDONESIA | Philippines | 2 | |||
48162090000 | NCR PAPER CARBONLESS CTD FRONT PD PINK 145 (NO IMG, RESIN) 55GSM W 241MM L 6000M C 3IN 4ROL/PAL MULTI COPY MII A QLY 36PALLETS 11.452320MT INV NO. 1810195504 DTD 12/26/2022 | INDONESIA | Philippines | 36 | |||
48162090000 | NCR PAPER CARBONLESS CTD FRONT PD PINK 145 (NO IMG, RESIN) 55GSM W 381MM L 6000M C 3IN 5ROL/PAL MULTI COPY MII A QLY 3PALLETS 1.885950MT INV NO. 1810195504 DTD 12/26/2022 | INDONESIA | Philippines | 3 |
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