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Yellow under 481620 global trade Data

Yellow product global trade data has found a total of 11 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 2 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 4 Importer shipments are available in the application of Yellow product.

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Import Trade data of Yellow

11 Import Shipments found from 2 importing Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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481620 WHITE /CFB YELLOW /CF PINK, CORE 3PLY CARBONLESS ROLL 3 X 65 CB WHITE /CFB YELLOW /CF PINK, CORE 12MM, ITEM 18016 HS CODE 48162000 10 PALLETS 780 CASES 39000 ROLLS lock lock PL, POLAND USA 39000 60 More Columns Available
48162090000 NCR PAPER CARBONLESS CTD FRONT&BACK PD YELLOW 161 (BLUE IMG, RESIN)50GSM 28X34IN 500SH/PCK 26PCK/PAL MULTI COPY MII A QLY 7PALLETS 2.7946140MT INV NO. 1810195504 DTD 12/26/2022 lock lock INDONESIA Philippines 7
48162090000 NCR PAPER CARBONLESS CTD FRONT PD YELLOW 161 (NO IMG, RESIN)55GSM 28X34IN 500SH/PCK 26PCK/PAL MULTI COPY MII A QLY 6PALLETS 2.634840MT INV NO. 1810195504 DTD 12/26/2022 lock lock INDONESIA Philippines 6
48162090000 NCR PAPER CARBONLESS CTD FRONT PD YELLOW 161 (NO IMG, RESIN) 55GSM W 241MM L 6000M C 3IN 4ROL/PAL MULTI COPY MII A QLY 21PALLETS 6.680520MT INV NO. 1810195504 DTD 12/26/2022 lock lock INDONESIA Philippines 21
48162090000 NCR PAPER CARBONLESS CTD FRONT PD YELLOW 161 (NO IMG, RESIN) 55GSM W 279MM L 6000M C 3IN 3ROL/PAL MULTI COPY MII A QLY 12PALLETS 3.314520MT INV NO. 1810195504 DTD 12/26/2022 lock lock INDONESIA Philippines 12

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