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54077200 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 3235 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 18 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
75 exporter and 358 Importer shipments are available in the application of 54077200 Hs Code.
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230 Export Shipments found from 6 Exporting Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
54077200 | A02.#&100% POLYESTER FABRIC (WOVEN SIZE 109CM, QUANTITY 1618M, 1M=1.09M2, WEIGHT 60G/M2)- EXPORTED AND DELIVERED FROM ACCOUNT NUMBER 105200723610, LINE NUMBER 2#&KR | Vietnam | NULL | 1763.62 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
54077200 | A02.#&100% POLYESTER FABRIC (WOVEN SIZE 142CM, QUANTITY 1917M, 1M=1.42M2, WEIGHT 55G/M2)- EXPORTED AND TRANSFERRED FROM ACCOUNT NUMBER 105211187800, LINE NUMBER 1#&KR | Vietnam | NULL | 2722.14 | |||
54077200 | A02.#&100% POLYESTER FABRIC (WOVEN SIZE 109CM, QUANTITY 2496M, 1M=1.09M2, WEIGHT 60G/M2)- EXPORTED AND DELIVERED FROM ACCOUNT NUMBER 105200723610, LINE NUMBER 15#&KR | Vietnam | NULL | 2720.64 | |||
54077200 | A02.#&100% POLYESTER FABRIC (WOVEN SIZE 142CM, QUANTITY 3369M, 1M = 1.42M2, WEIGHT 39G/M2)- EXPORTED AND TRANSFERRED FROM ACCOUNT NUMBER 105202140850, LINE NUMBER 1#&CN | Vietnam | NULL | 4783.98 | |||
54077200 | A02.#&100% POLYESTER FABRIC (WOVEN SIZE 58"", QUANTITY 20194 YD, 1YD = 1.3471M2, WEIGHT 100G/M2)- EXPORTED AND TRANSFERRED FROM ACCOUNT NUMBER 105227255340, LINE NUMBER 1#&CN | Vietnam | NULL | 27203.2 |
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