Elastic product global trade data has found a total of 166 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 3 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
17 exporter and 4 Importer shipments are available in the application of Elastic product.
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160 Export Shipments found from 3 Exporting Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
61034200 | VL220107-4I#&HTS.6103.42,00000;CAT.647; MENS M/B KNIT COTTON PANTS/SHORTS MENS ELASTIC PANTS 80% COTTON 20% POLYESTER(PRICE: 2.98 USD)#&VN | Vietnam | TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA | 144 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
61034200 | 0967417 (234)#&MEN'S PANTS, BRAND H&M (60%COTTON 40%POLYESTER, SHORTS WITH ELASTIC WAIST, SIZE S:834, M:1598, L:1033, XL:398, XXL:119)#&EN | Vietnam | SWEDEN | 3973 | |||
61034200 | 1062533 (63)#&BOYS PANTS BRAND: H&M (80% COTTON 20% POLYESTER, ELASTIC WAIST PANTS, SIZE 8-9Y:51, 9-10Y:73, 10-11Y:117, 11-12Y:139, 12-13Y:139, 13-14Y:103, 14Y+:110)#&EN | Vietnam | DENMARK | 732 | |||
61034200 | 1062533 (64)#&BOYS PANTS BRAND: H&M (80% COTTON 20% POLYESTER, ELASTIC WAIST PANTS, SIZE 8-9Y:96, 9-10Y:160, 10-11Y:239, 11-12Y:303, 12-13Y:319, 13-14Y:239, 14Y+:239)#&EN | Vietnam | UNITED KINGDOM | 1595 | |||
61034200 | 1062533 (65)#&BOYS PANTS BRAND: H&M (80% COTTON 20% POLYESTER, ELASTIC WAIST PANTS, SIZE 8-9Y:96, 259-10Y:329, 10-11Y:424, 11-12Y:447, 12-13Y:353, 13-14Y:282, 14Y+:259)#&EN | Vietnam | SWEDEN | 2353 |
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