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Hemp under 62032200 global trade Data

Hemp product global trade data has found a total of 11 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

4 exporter and 0 Importer shipments are available in the application of Hemp product.

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Export Trade data of Hemp

11 Export Shipments found from 1 Exporting Countries

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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62032200 LEVI'S MEN'S DENIM JEANS DYED. 100% COT , 99% COT 1% ELAS , 98% COT 2% ELAS , 94% COT 5% POLY 1% ELAS , 82% COT 17% POLY 1% ELAS , 78% COT 21% POLY 1% ELAS , 77% COT 22% POLY 1% ELAS , ,77% COT 23% HEMP, 75% COT 24% POLY 1% ELAS,68% COT 31% LYOCELL 1% ELA lock lock Pakistan UNITED STATES 10010 60 More Columns Available
62032200 LEVI'S WOMEN'S DENIM JEANS DYED. 100% COT , 85% COT 12% POLY 3% ELAS , 85% COT 15%HEMP ,78% COT 21% POLY 1% ELAS , 70% COT 20% POLY 8%VISCOSE 2% ELAS , 67% COT 32% LYOCELL 1% ELAS , 65% COT 33% POLY 2% ELAS , 60% COT 23%VISCOSE 16%POLY 1%ELAST ,60% COT 40 lock lock Pakistan UNITED STATES 10590
62032200 MARIE JEAN SUMMER VINTAGE 70% ORGANIC COTTON +20% HEMP+ 10 % LYOCELL PI NO: SEVENTY + MOCHI/2022-A0027. DATE: 21-01-2023 lock lock Pakistan UNITED KINGDOM 61
62032200 MARIE SHORT SUMMER VINTAGE 70% ORGANIC COTTON +20% HEMP+ 10 % LYOCELL PI NO: SEVENTY + MOCHI/2022-A0027. DATE: 21-01-2023 lock lock Pakistan UNITED KINGDOM 278
62032200 69% COTTON 15% PCW-PRE 15% HEMP 1% ELASTANE MEN'S DYED DENIM SHORTS / BERMUDA PO# 450048439 , 450048440 STYLE # 1036723, 1036724, COLOR CODE: 10315 SIZE: 28,29,30,31,32,33,34 & 36 INV: DP-KPL/EXP/1698/2023 lock lock Pakistan GERMANY 4214

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