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Poly under 620530 global trade Data

Poly product global trade data has found a total of 244 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 4 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

13 exporter and 12 Importer shipments are available in the application of Poly product.

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Import Trade data of Poly

138 Import Shipments found from 4 importing Countries

HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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62053000 MENS SHIRTS 71%NYLON 29%POLY=924 PCS lock lock BANGLADESH Bangladesh 924 60 More Columns Available
62053090 G043-23-COAT#&HAIRDRESSING ROBE-BARBER CAPE (IN CLEAR POLY BAG), AX CODE: 1007590, 100% BRAND NEW lock lock CHINA Vietnam 120
62053000 M'S SHIRT 60% REC. POLY 32% NYL 4% LYCRA ELASTANE 2% POLY 2% X-STATIC NYL lock lock BANGLADESH Bangladesh 748
620530 MEN S SS WOVEN SHIRT 100% POLY ESTER P.O.#4500121148 SAP#10 043514 STYLE#P10542 4816PRS/ 204CTNS P.O.#4500121148 SAP# 10043514 STYLE#P10542 262PRS /13CTNS P.O.#4500121149 SAP# 10043515 STYLE#P10542 1176PR S/54CTNS P.O.#4500121149 SAP #10043515 STYLE#P1054 lock lock VN, VIET NAM USA 683
620530 COTTON WOVEN SHIRTS COTTON WOVEN SHIRTS TOTAL 1,220 CTNS = 24,236 PCS . MEN S 78% POLY 22% COTTON WOVEN SHIRTS US.PO-00063165 STYLE# 71037 US.PO-00063166 STYLE# 71038 H.S.CODE 6205.30.2070 CAT# 640 MEN S 100% COTTON WOVEN SHORTS US.PO-00064057 STYLE# 7328 lock lock KH, CAMBODIA USA 1220

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