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Global Suppliers Data of 6213

6213 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 783 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 11 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

86 exporter and 4 Importer shipments are available in the application of 6213 Hs Code.

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HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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62139000 LACE 70PCS lock lock UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Burundi 1 60 More Columns Available
62139000000 FACE TOWELS lock lock UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Uganda 5000
62139000000 FACE TOWELS lock lock UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Uganda 5000
621310 JCB 3CX BHL 538 60 LOADALL 510 56 LOADALL 510 56 LOADALL 509 42 LOADALL 509 42 LOADALL 1CX BACKHOE LOADER 35Z 1 EXCAVATOR 542 70 LOADALL 542 70 LOADALL 542 70 LOADALL 542 70 LOADALL 542 70 LOADALL 542 70 LOADALL 542 70 LOADALL 542 70 LOADALL 542 70 LOADAL lock lock GB, UNITED KINGDOM USA 21
62139099000 1 PCE OF WHITE PIPED SILK POCKET SQUARE lock lock UNITED KINGDOM Philippines 1

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