76061299 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 1245 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 4 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.
5 exporter and 137 Importer shipments are available in the application of 76061299 Hs Code.
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24 Export Shipments found from 1 Exporting Countries
HSN Code | Product Description | Imports | Exporter | Origin | Destination | Qty. | More Columns Click to View |
7606129900 | LOTNO: 2101200201 DESCRIPTION: CST2211903302455CER1116794IM0000116514.01.2022 QUANTITY: 117.25*AL.SHATE SHIP SJ 5083H321 6X2000X6000 MM [OOO] SINGLE , LOTNO: 21012002012012201220120201120201220122012012202020202012201220120122020111. | Turkey | TURKEY | 970.18 | 60 More Columns Available | ||
7606129900 | LOTNO: 2217207015 AÇIKLAMASI : ELV22123922172070105CER117314IM0001539222.06.2 MİKTAR:189.98*AL.SHATE GEMI SJ 5083H321 6X2000X6000 MM [O] TEKLI , LOTNO: 2217207015 AÇIKLAMASI : ELV22123922172070105CER117314IM0001539222.06.2 MİKTAR : 188.01*AL.SHATE GEM | Turkey | TURKEY | 1550.58 | |||
7606129900 | LOTNO: 0001152378 DESCRIPTION: 22007880149A1CER114262IM01510003. QUANTITY: 201.12*AL.SHATE SHIP SJ 5083H321 7X2000X6000 MM [O] UNIFORM , LOTNO: 0001152378 DESCRIPTION: 0001152378 DESCRIPTION : 205.7*AL.SHATE SHIP SJ 5083H321 | Turkey | TURKEY | 779.24 | |||
7606129900 | LOTNO: 2101200201 DESCRIPTION: CST2211903302455CER1116794IM0000116514.01.2022 QUANTITY: 117.25*AL.SHATE SHIP SJ 5083H321 6X2000X6000 MM [OOO] SINGLE , LOTNO: 21012002012012201220120201120201220122012012202020202012201220120122020111. | Turkey | TURKEY | 970.18 | |||
7606129900 | IN NEED. SIZED SHEET MADE | Turkey | TURKEY | 60 |
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