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Tiles under 847439 global trade Data

Tiles product global trade data has found a total of 4 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 1 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

0 exporter and 1 Importer shipments are available in the application of Tiles product.

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4 Import Shipments found from 1 importing Countries

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847439 02X20 FCL CONTAINERS TO TAL : 1680 BOXES GLAZED VITRFIED TILES SIZE: 600 X600 MM TOTAL: 60 PALLET S INVOICE NO. EXP1465 DT D : 28.12.2022 S/BILL NO : 6508266 DT : 28.12 .2022 I.E.C. NO. 2407002938 H .S.CODE: 6907 2100 NET WE IGHT : 45400.000 KGS GLAZED VI lock lock IN, INDIA USA 1680 60 More Columns Available
847439 01X20 FCL CONTAINER TOT AL: 754 BOXES GL AZED VIT RIFIED TILES SIZE : 600X 1200 MM TOTAL: 13 PALLET S INVOICE NO. EXP1469 DT : 28-12-2022 S/BILL NO : 6508208 DT : 28.12 .2022 H .S.CODE: 69072100 IEC CO DE: 240700 2938 NET WT: 2 2370.00 KGS FREIGHT COLL E lock lock IN, INDIA USA 754
847439 01X20 FCL CONTAINER TOT AL: 728 BOXES CE RAMIC GL AZED VITRIFIED TILES SIZ E : 300X6 00 MM TOTAL: 26 PALLETS INVOICE NO. EXP / 2223-477 DT: 06.12.2022 SHIPPING BILL NO. 5964 812 DATE : 06/12/2022 H. S.CODE: 69072 100 IEC COD E: AAMCM1359F NET WT :21 080 lock lock IN, INDIA USA 728
847439 6480 PIECES IN 3240 CARTONS P ACKED IN 108 ( ONE HUNDRED EIG HT ) WOODEN PALLETS GLAZED P ORCELAIN TILES INVOICE NO.-NC I/E/22-23/0490 DT.13.12.2022 BUYER S ORDER NO: 1001396333 ,1001396334,1001396335,100 13 96336 TOTAL NET WT : 102060.0 0 KGS TOTAL GR WT lock lock IN, INDIA USA 6480

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