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Global Buyers Data of 85021390

85021390 Hs Code global trade data has found a total of 220 unique records from the application, which has unique exporters in countries and unique buyers in 9 countries. Latest record found from the month of May 2022 and oldest record was from Jan 2017.

4 exporter and 31 Importer shipments are available in the application of 85021390 Hs Code.

HSN Code Product Description Imports Exporter Origin Destination Qty. More Columns
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85021390 V6160#&MITSUBISHI DIESEL GENERATOR SET MODEL MGS0700B MG-HC6H, 380V, 50 HZ, ENGINE S6R2-PTAA-S-83321, CAPACITY 800 KVA/ 640 KW, 1 SET = 1 UNIT#&VN lock lock Vietnam SINGAPORE 1 60 More Columns Available
85021390 V6216#&MITSUBISHI DIESEL GENERATOR SET MODEL MGS1200B MG-L50L78, 400V, 60 HZ, ENGINE S12R-PTA-S-20020, CAPACITY 1581.25 KVA/1265 KW, 1 SET = 1 UNIT#&VN lock lock Vietnam SINGAPORE 1
85021390 V6217#&MITSUBISHI DIESEL GENERATOR SET MODEL MGS2500B MG-L52S78, 400V, 60HZ, ENGINE S16R-PTAA2-26475, CAPACITY 2500 KVA/ 2000 KW, 1 SET = 1 UNIT#&VN lock lock Vietnam SINGAPORE 1
85021390 V6289#&MITSUBISHI DIESEL GENERATOR SET MODEL MGS1500B MG-L52S6, 380V, 50 HZ, ENGINE S16R-PTA-S-26450, CAPACITY 1810 KVA/ 1448 KW, 1 SET = 1 UNIT#&VN lock lock Vietnam SINGAPORE 1
85021390 V6290#&MITSUBISHI DIESEL GENERATOR SET MODEL MGS1500B MG-L52S6, 380V, 50 HZ, ENGINE S16R-PTA-S-26455, CAPACITY 1810 KVA/ 1448 KW, 1 SET = 1 UNIT#&VN lock lock Vietnam SINGAPORE 1

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